The project has been finished

EU donation to "Electric Power Industry of Serbia" from IPA 2014 National Programme for Serbia, intended for recovery from the flood consequences and prevention of future risks to the electric power system during emergency situations, was successfully completed on January 12, 2021. Trough the realisation of the project „Electrical equipment for reaction in emergency situation in Republic of Serbia“ "Electric Power Industry of Serbia" became the owner of the following equipment:

  • one mobile substation 110/35kV, 20MVA
  • three mobile substations 35/10kV, 8MVA
  • modern remote monitoring and control system for medium voltage distribution grid in the area of Elektrosrbija Kraljevo with (354) three hundred fifty four newly installed points on site, (8) eight new and (8) eight updated SCADA systems for remote and monitoring of distribution grid in areas of Kraljevo, Cacak, Uzice, Krusevac, Loznica, and Jagodina

The total equipment cost is 8.443.385,98 EUR and the total project value is 8.940.743,98 EUR.

The Supervising Engineer company Gopa-intec, Gmbh with the following contractors: ABB, d.o.o Serbia, consortium GAT  DOO Novi Sad and Inesing S.p.A Italy and Consortium Institute „Mihajlo Pupin“ Belgrade, with a great technical and administrative support from "Electric Power Industry of Serbia" experts  made possible for the European Union donation to be successfully realised.

The importance of the delivered equipment was already proven during the emergency situations in 2020. The mobile substation 110/35kV was connected to the grid for the supply of the customers in Zarkovo area in Belgrade due to major defects on the existing 110/35kV transformers. Two mobile substations 35/10kV are connected to the grid for the urgent supply of the two newly built hospitals for COVID-19 patients in Batajnica and Krusevac. This emergency reaction has enabled the hospitals to be functional in a very short period of time in line with the urgent need to care for a large number of patients. Newly installed equipment for remote control and monitoring of the medium voltage grid showed their efficiency in troubleshooting and keeping electrical power supply reliable during the floods in Loznica, June 2020.

In the year marked by emergency situations, the "Electric Power Industry of Serbia" and its users were able to see the huge importance of the delivered equipment that preserves the stability of the distribution network when it is most needed by the citizens and economy of Serbia. The donation of the European Union made a significant step in the improvement and modernisation of the distribution network in Serbia and, additionally,  a large number of engineers were trained to work with modern technologies that will form the basis of the distribution system in the future.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13